Washington and Lee law professor Timothy Jost has published “The Affordable Care Act and the Constitution: Beyond National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius” in …
On June 6, Washington and Lee law professor Susan Franck will present “The Use of Economics for Empirical Studies in Investment Arbitration” at the DISSETTLE…
Washington and Lee law professor Mark Drumbl will give two international presentations on his recent book examining child soldiers and international law.
Washington and Lee law professor J.D. King has published a new article titled Beyond ‘Life and Liberty’: The Evolving Right to Counsel in the Harvard…
Sheshunoff-Pratt has published a new book by James H. Pannabecker entitled Compliance Guide to the 2013 Mortgage Lending Rules.
W&L Law Professors Lyman Johnson and David Millon will be featured at a conference at the University of St. Thomas entitled “Law and the History…
Washington and Lee law professor Russ Miller has published a piece titled “Differencing Same-Sex Marriage” at the blog site for the Journal of International Constitutional…
Tax Clinic: Making Peace with the IRS By SANDY HAUSMAN Enlarge image Michelle Drumbl and law student Jessica Unger discuss a client’s issue. Many Virginians…
Washington and Lee law professor Mark Drumbl contributed to an online symposium focused on a recent issue of the Leiden Journal of International Law (LJIL).
Washington and Lee law professor Joshua Fairfield will present his work on virtual currency and virtual property, as part of a panel discussing Virtual Items,…