Washington and Lee law professor Mark Drumbl recently presented at a conference in Leiden, The Netherlands, to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the adoption of…
Professor Todd Peppers’s work, “Random Chance or Loaded Dice: The Politics of Judicial Designation” (with K. Vigilante and C. Zorn) was quoted this week in the New…
Washington and Lee law professors Susan Franck and Kish Parella will present this week at the American Society of International Law 2014 Biennial Research Conference.…
On Friday November 8, 2014 Washington and Lee law professor Susan Franck, presented at the American Society of International Law’s Midyear Meeting and Research Forum.…
Washington and Lee law professor Susan Franck delivered a keynote address at the Center for Strategic and International Studies on Friday, October 31, 2014. …
On November 8, Professor Kish Parella will present her work in progress, Transcommercial Institutional Legitimacy, to a group of international law scholars at the annual…
The Washington and Lee Law Review Online published a new article by Professor Lyman Johnson and Rob Ricca entitled “The Still-Dwindled Revlon”. The article is a reply…
In September 2014 Washington and Lee law professors Erik Luna and Joshua Fairfield published an article entitled “Digital Innocence” in the Cornell Law Review, Vol. 99, Issue…
Washington and Lee law professor Erik Luna has published an article in the inaugural edition of the Stanford Journal of Criminal Law & Policy. The article…
Washington and Lee law professor Christopher Seaman spoke at Brooklyn Law School on Thursday, October 23, 2014. Professor Seaman participated in a panel at…