Washington and Lee law professors Lyman P.Q. Johnson and David Millon, along with distinguished colleagues, have authored and submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare…
Washington and Lee law professor Mark Drumbl will speak at the upcoming The Georgia Journal and of International & Comparative Law Conference 2014: Children & International…
Washington and Lee law professor Mark Drumbl published a chapter in a newly released book, Pluralism in International Criminal Law. Professor Drumbl’s chapter, titled The…
On October 8, 2014 Professor Shannon presented a lunchtime talk on the topic “Attorney Ethics for Third Party Funding in International Arbitration” at the Washington,…
Washington and Lee law professor Christopher Seaman recently presented his work at a faculty workshop at Wake Forest University School of Law. The workshop was…
Washington and Lee law professor Michelle Drumbl spoke at the 2014 Tax Law Symposium on October 3, 2014. The symposium was held at the…
Washington and Lee law professor Mark Drumbl spoke at the Women In and At War Conference held at the University of Warwick on September 18…
Washington and Lee Law professor Christopher Seaman was interviewed recently by Law360. Professor Seaman, along with David S. Levine, Elon University and Sharon Sandeen,…
Washington and Lee Law professor David Baluarte is presenting this week at The Hague, the Netherlands at the first Global Forum on Statelessness. The three-day…
Washington and Lee law professors Joshua A.T. Fairfield and Erik Luna have published an article in the Cornell Law Review. Digital Innocence, appears in Volume…