Washington & Lee law professor Timothy Jost published a new article in the New England Journal of Medicine titled “Obama’s ACA Delays – Breaking the…
Washington & Lee law professor Mark Drumbl spoke as a panelist at the recent annual meeting of the American Society of International Law. On Friday,…
Washington & Lee law professor Lyman P.Q. Johnson participated in an online symposium hosted by The Conglomerate on the topic of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. and…
Washington & Lee law professor David Baluarte will speak at the Harvard Kennedy School on Tuesday, April 8, 2014. Professor Baluarte will participate in a…
In the January 2014 issue of PS: Political Science & Politics, Washington & Lee visiting professor of law Todd Peppers was recognized for his article…
Washington & Lee law professor Lyman P.Q. Johnson will publish in the forthcoming issue of the Washington & Lee Law Review. The article, The Dwindling of…
Washington & Lee law professor Christopher Seaman is once again featured on SSRN’s top new papers lists. Professor Seaman’s forthcoming piece in the Virginia Law…
Washington & Lee Law Professors Lyman Johnson and David Millon have just posted a critique of a forthcoming piece by Professors Bebchuk and Jackson. Their…
Washington and Lee law professor Mark Drumbl will be speaking this week at Law, Peace, and Violence: Jurisprudence and the Possibilities of Peace, a symposium…
Professor Shannon Presents on Third-Party Litigation Funding at Wake Forest University School of Law
On Thursday, February 27, 2014 Professor Victoria Shannon presented a paper entitled The Three Regulatory Facets of Third-Party Litigation Funding at Wake Forest University School of Law…