Earlier this month at the blog Concurring Opinions, Danielle Citron reviewed Washington and Lee law professor Margaret Hu’s article, Biometric ID Cybersurveillance, 88 Indiana L.J.__ (forthcoming 2013),…
W&L Law Professor Susan Franck‘s essay Empiricism And International Law: Insights For Investment Treaty Dispute Resolution was recently listed on SSRN’s Top Ten download list for: Political…
W&L Law Professor Timothy Jost has published the Seventh Edition of Health Law: Cases, Materials, and Problems with the West Publishing Company. The Health Law casebook…
Over at the Criminal Law JOTWELL, Mary Fan has reviewed Margaret Hu’s forthcoming article, Biometric ID Cybersurveillance, 88 Indiana L.J.__ (forthcoming 2013), available at SSRN. Margaret will be…
W&L Law Professor A. Benjamin Spencer just published an article entitled Class Actions, Heightened Commonality, and Declining Access to Justice in the Boston University Law…
Professor Timothy Lubin, Lecturer in Religion and Law and Professor of Religion at Washington & Lee University, recently posted an article on SSRN entitled Legal Diglossia: Modeling…
W&L Law Professor A. Benjamin Spencer, Associate Dean for Research and Director of the Frances Lewis Law Center, has just published an article entitled The Law…
The January 2013 issue of the Banking Law Journal includes an article by W&L Professor of Practice James Pannabecker entitled “The CFPB Issues an Exemption…
Washington and Lee law professor Tim Jost has been named a contributing editor for Health Affairs, the nation’s leading health policy journal.
W&L Law Professor Christopher Seaman has just published a piece in Yale’s Journal of Law and Technology entitled Best Mode Trade Secrets (co-authored with Brian…