Proposals for 2016 Professional Development Programs The Professional Development Committee invites AALS Sections, faculty, and informal groups of faculty to submit preliminary proposals for conferences…
Proposals Due: May 12, 2014 The Association of American Law Schools is seeking proposals for Crosscutting Programs for the 2015 AALS Annual Meeting to be…
January 2015 AALS Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. “ASP a Roadmap at the Crossroad: How Academic Support Will Meet Today’s Varied Challenges” From isolated academic…
Proposals Due: April 12, 2014 The Association of American Law Schools is pleased to request proposals for the second annual Academic Symposium track that will…
Association of American Law Schools Call for Presentations and Papers Corrected email address for submissions: Workshop on Transnational Perspectives for Equality Law June 22-24,…
We are writing to announce the 2014 Midyear Meeting Workshop, Blurring Boundaries in Financial and Corporate Law, being held at the Westin City Center Hotel,…
Call for Papers AALS Section on Comparative Law Works-in-Progress Program in Comparative Law AALS Annual Meeting, January 3, 2014 New York, New York The Section on Section…
The AALS Administrative Law Section will be putting on a program entitled “New Voices in Administrative Law” at the AALS annual meeting in New York…
Once again, the AALS Criminal Justice Section will hold a Junior Scholars Paper Competition. Honorees will be recognized at the AALS Annual Meeting in New…
W&L law professor Mark Drumbl‘s book Reimagining Child Soldiers in International Law and Policy, which published earlier this year, encourages a second look at how…