Washington and Lee law professor Russ Miller published an essay recently in the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany’s version of The New York Times. Prof. Miller’s…
Washington and Lee law professor Russ Miller presents this week at a special event at the Geothe Institute in Chicago. The event, sponsored by the…
Washington and Lee law professor Russ Miller is leading a three-day seminar for graduate and post-graduate researchers at Humboldt University’s Law Faculty in Berlin.
Here is an excerpt from Professor Miller’s commentary, which is available in full at http://www.aicgs.org/issue/the-euro-rescue/: Following its surprising, premature exit from this summer’s UEFA European…
The German Constitutional Court and Europe [By Russell Miller, Professor of Law at Washington & Lee University, co-author of the forthcoming The Constitutional Jurisprudence of…
Immigration and Integration are two of the most difficult problems facing German society – and Europe more broadly. European countries are trying to understand, and…
Professor Russell A. Miller, the Ethan Allen Faculty Fellow, recently published his article, Germany’s Basic Law and the Use of Force, 17 Ind. J. Global…