Washington and Lee law professor Michelle Drumbl spoke at the 2014 Tax Law Symposium on October 3, 2014. The symposium was held at the…
On July 22-23, Washington and Lee School of Law hosted a round table discussion of tax professors from the mid-Atlantic region. Professors from area law…
At the recent ABA Tax Section Mid-Year Meeting Washington & Lee Law Professor Michelle Drumbl participated in two distinguished panels. The first panel, hosted by…
Prof. Michelle Drumbl of Washington & Lee has recently made available on SSRN her forthcoming article Those Who Know, Those Who Don’t, and Those Who Know Better: Balancing…
On Oct. 4, Washington and Lee law professor and Tax Clinic director Michelle Drumbl presented her research into low-income/unsophisticated taxpayers and the return preparer industry…
The worst has happened. That awful dreaded moment has come when you realize there is no escape. Nobody has died—but you are being audited by…
In the sixth and final installment of the Faculty Workshop Series, sponsored by the Frances Lewis Law Center, Professor Lawrence Zelenak, the Pamela B. Gann Professor…
Professor Jeffrey H. Kahn recently published Principles of Corporate Taxation, part of the West® Concise Hornbooks series. He wrote the text with his father, Douglas…