Washington and Lee law professor Mark Drumbl, director of the Transnational Law Institute, participated in an online symposium hosted by the blog Opinio Juris and…
This December, the University of Virginia Press will publish a new collection of essays on Supreme Court law clerks, edited by Visiting Professor Todd Peppers. The…
On November 3 and 4, 2015 Washington and Lee law professor Jim Moliterno worked in Czech Republic on a project organized by a Czech NGO,…
Professor Jim Moliterno recently returned from a very intense, two-week trip to Slovakia. Sponsored by the US Embassy-Bratislava, he has been working there for the…
On October 23-24, 2015, Washington and Lee law professors Kish Parella and Victoria Sahani presented their latest works-in-progress at the American Society of International Law…
Washington and Lee law professor Christopher Seaman recently presented his new work at a faculty workshop at Elon University School of Law in Greensboro, NC.…
On Friday, September 18, 2015 Washington and Lee law professor Christopher Seaman spoke to the Virginia State Bar’s Intellectual Property Section on proposed legislation to…
On September 3, 2015, Washington and Lee law professor Victoria Sahani presented her latest work-in-progress, Reshaping Risk in Third-Party Funding, at the Iowa Innovation, Business…
Washington and Lee law professor Joshua Fairfield has published a new article in the Southern California Law Review. The article, titled “Bitproperty”, appears in Volume…
Washington and Lee law professor Christopher Seaman’s new paper Permanent Injunctions in Patent Litigation After eBay: An Empirical Study, was recently posted on SSRN and is listed in…