Washington and Lee Law professor Victoria Shannon Sahani recently contributed to the Kluwer Arbitration Blog published by Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. Professor Sahani’s blog post,…
Washington and Lee Law professor Victoria Shannon Sahani was recently featured by Oxford University Press on their Investment Claims homepage. Professor Sahani’s blog post, titled The Structural…
On Tuesday, March 31, 2015, Professor Victoria Shannon presented her article, Judging Third-Party Funding, 63 UCLA L. Rev __ (2016) (forthcoming), at William & Mary Law School as…
Washington and Lee law professor Victoria Shannon published a new article in the Cardozo Law Review. The article, Harmonizing Third-Party Litigation Funding Regulation, appears in volume 36,…
Washington and Lee law professor Victoria Shannon’s new essay, Third-Party Litigation Funding and the Dodd-Frank Act, has appeared on SSRN top ten lists in two subject…
On October 8, 2014 Professor Shannon presented a lunchtime talk on the topic “Attorney Ethics for Third Party Funding in International Arbitration” at the Washington,…
Congratulations to Washington and Lee law professor Victoria Shannon! Professor Shannon’s forthcoming work Harmonizing Third-Party Litigation Funding Regulation is named among the top ten papers in the…
On Thursday, June 19, 2014, Professor Victoria Shannon served as a panelist on a panel about third-party funding at the 26th Annual Workshop of the…