The Younger Comparativists Committee of the American Society of Comparative Law invites submissions to fill a panel on “New Voices in Comparative Law,” to be…
Once again, the AALS Criminal Justice Section will hold a Junior Scholars Paper Competition. Honorees will be recognized at the AALS Annual Meeting in New…
Policy-focused Empirical Research on Law and Economics INTRODUCTION: The Searle Civil Justice Institute (SCJI) is seeking proposals for empirical research projects. The SCJI will select…
Resistance Rising: Theorizing and Building Cross-Sector Movements Chicago, IL October 4-5, 2013 Preceded by the Junior Faculty Development Workshop on October 3, sponsored by LatCrit…
In honor of the 50th Anniversary of the “War on Poverty,” the AALS sections on Poverty Law and Clinical Legal Education will sponsor a joint…
University of Nevada Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law Saltman Center for Conflict Resolution Psychology and Lawyering: Coalescing the Field Friday, Feb. 21…
Conference Call For Papers The 8th Annual Minerva/ICRC Conference on International Humanitarian Law – Military Objectives and Objects of War: An Uneasy Relationship Jerusalem, 24-25…
The University of Illinois College of Law and the University of Richmond School of Law invite submissions for the First Annual Workshop for Corporate &…
Northeastern People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference 2013 Universidad de Puerto Rico Call for Papers, WIPs and AwardNominations December 5 – 8, 2013 Our initial…
Call For Papers The 8th Annual Minerva/ICRC Conference on International Humanitarian Law – Military Objectives and Objects of War: An Uneasy Relationship Jerusalem, 24-25 November…