Washington & lee law professor James Moliterno will present at the thirteenth annual Symposium on Legal Malpractice & Ethics at St. Mary’s Law School in San Antonio,…
Washington & Lee law professor Russell Miller’s contribution to Verfassungsblog was published on Wednesday, February 26, 2014. Verfassungsblog is a German law blog hosted by the prestigious Wissenschaftskolleg…
Washington & Lee law professor Christopher Seaman is invited to present at the 2014 Trade Secret and Information Policy Workshop. The workshop is hosted by the…
On Friday, Feb. 21, The Transnational Law Institute at Washington and Lee University School of Law hosted its first spring lecture, featuring international law expert…
On February 12-13, 2014, Professor Victoria Shannon participated in the first meeting of the Third-Party Funding Task Force, jointly organized by the International Council for…
Visiting law professor Todd peppers is a co-organizer and participant at the upcoming symposium Judicial Assistants or Junior Judges: the Hiring, Utilization and Influence of…
W&L Law Professor Jim Moliterno recently participated in a workshop sponsored by U.S. AID’s East-West Management Institute to provide legal ethics training to lawyers in…
On February 6, 2014, Professor Victoria Shannon presented a paper entitled A Systems-Based Approach to Regulating Third-Party Litigation Funding as the featured guest speaker at…
German law scholar and Washington and Lee law professor Russell Miller has contributed to I-CONnect, Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law and ConstitutionMaking.org. Professor Miller’s…
On February 7-8, 2014 the Center for Law, Economics & Finance (C-LEAF) at George Washington University hosted its fourth annual Junior Faculty Business and Financial…